In short:
<author>Your name/nickname</author>
<version>Your version number</version>
<title><!-- main title of the mod -->
<en>main title in English</en>
<de>main title in German</de>
<en><![CDATA[Information about your mod written in English]]></en>
<de><![CDATA[Information about your mod written in German]]></de>
<iconFilename>the file name of the icon (DDS-file)</iconFilename>
<multiplayer supported="true" /> <!-- or false -->
<!-- store items that will show up inside the vehicle store inside Farming Simulator -->
<storeItem xmlFilename="mystoreitem.xml" />
<l10n> <!-- L10N...not 100n -->
<text name="configuration_bumpers">
For more detailed information (FS22) *not much have changed to FS25*:
Credits: 82 Studio