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FS25 Modding

Applying scale to assets in GIANTS Editor

This is way more important than what is easily ignored. Like with Blender, any 3D meshes or assets scaled inside GIANTS Editor, where the scale is larger than 1 (one) in XYZ direction, must be set back to 1 (one). Why?

Here’s the why’s:

  • Collision models/meshes may not work correctly, so the player character may walk in the air or even fall through.
  • The textures look stretched and may also look blurred since the scale may affect the UV mapping and applied shaders.

Freeze Transformations

This dialogue is used inside the editor to apply transformations, like with Blender.
When the Apply (button) is clicked, the scale for the selected/lit object will be set to 1 for all XYZ values. This dialogue can stay open and we can apply transformations to several objects. But to be sure, it’s good to select objects separately to perform this operation.